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Your Life is Relefant.

Tell your story!

You've already experienced a lot in your life - maybe more than you think.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a place where you can capture all your memories? Relefant is a platform where you can save what is important to you - whether as text, pictures, audio or video recordings!

Order is half of life.

When did what happen? And where? With whom? Our memories rarely stand alone, but are always connected to special people, places or events. Relefant helps you to assign your most important experiences to your stations in life.

Relefant - the platform for all your memories!

Save and share memoirs

Memories for generations to come

You are a witness of your time - and have unique stories to tell! What did you experience, what moved you? Document your memories now and share them with the people who are close to your heart.

Relefant makes sure that your texts, pictures, audio and video recordings will remain alive for decades to come. Show your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who you are, what moves you and what you have experienced!

Erinnerungen sammeln
Collect memories
Übersichtlich sortieren
Sort clearly
Mit Familie und Freunden teilen
Share with family and friends

Register now and test for free!

Relefant available as Web App as well as Smartphone App for iOS and Android

Smartphone, Tablet or Desktop?

With Relefant you can capture your most precious memories - whether as text, images, audio or video recordings. In this way, you ensure that future generations can discover your story over and over again.

Your data - but secure!

The security of your data is of the utmost importance to us. These are not empty words for us!

Together with our TÜV-certified data protection experts, we have developed all data processing from the ground up with the aim of meeting the highest data protection standards. We take great care to ensure that your personal information is treated confidentially and used in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

What does this mean in concrete terms?

Your data will only be used for the agreed purpose and will never be passed on to third parties. Unless required by law or you have given your explicit consent. We use advanced security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, misuse or loss.

Your satisfaction and trust are important to us. If you have any questions or concerns about privacy, we are here to help. Feel free to contact us!

Contact information for the data protection officer:
Perfect Data Protection (OT) GmbH
Speicherstraße 13, 60327 Frankfurt a.M., Germany
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Want to cooperate?

The Relefant team is up and running - we would love to see as many people as possible using our platform to capture their precious memories for generations to come.

You want to cooperate with Relefant? We are looking forward to your message!

Contact Relefant!

You find Relefant exciting? Great - then just leave your personal contact details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible and add you to our mailing list.
