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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

We do everything we can to make Relefant as self-explanatory as possible. Nevertheless, there may always be one or the other aspect that is not immediately obvious.

Below we have listed some of the most common questions about Relefant - behind the + sign hides the answer!

You still have a question that has not been answered here? Then feel free to send us a message - we look forward to hearing from you!

What is Relefant?

Relefant is a platform where you can capture your personal life memories, organize them, share them with other people and save them for future generations.

You can access this platform via the Relefant app on your smartphone, as well as via our web app at

App, website, program - how can I use Relefant?

Relefant is a platform that you can access through different devices and applications. Each has its advantages:

The smartphone app is particularly useful for taking photos from albums, recording audio or video, or accessing your content on the go - and, for example, spontaneously capturing memories briefly as they occur to you along the way.

The web app, which you can access through any browser, offers easy text capture and editing.

Here you can see your memories in "large format" and organize and sort them in a good overview. And you can optimally view all your video and image recordings here yourself or with others.

You can also book and manage your premium rate via the web app.

Is there an app for my iPhone?

Yes, you can use most of Relefant's features with your iPhone! Just download the Relefant app from the AppStore, log in or register - and you're ready to go!

Important: If you want to book a premium rate, please use our web-app!

Is there an app for my Android smartphone?

Yes, you can use most of Relefant's features with your Android smartphone! Just download the Relefant app from the Google Play Store, log in or register - and you're ready to go!

Important: If you want to book a premium rate, please use our web-app!

Where will my data be stored?

The protection and the highest possible availability of your data are very important to us. We therefore store the data of EU citizens on high-performance data centers with locations exclusively in Germany and within the EU.

After all, your data should also be stored reliably in the long term!

What happens to the saved reminders when my membership expires?

After your active membership expires, you have several options:

  • You can renew your active membership.
  • You change from an active to a "passive" membership. Your data will be kept and visible for authorized persons, but you can't change or add anything.
  • You can download all data from the server and save it locally. This service is available to all users free of charge within a certain period of time!
    At the end of your paid membership we will remind you in time to download your data if necessary - after a period of 6 months after the end of your last active or passive membership we are entitled to delete the data after appropriate, repeated notification.
What happens to my recorded memories when I die?

If you do not live to see the end of your passive membership, your content will be preserved until the end of your membership. You have the option to nominate a trusted person when you take out your membership, who is authorized to continue your account in the form of a passive membership after your death.

How can I delete my data?

Of course you can delete your data at any time. Please note that we will then no longer keep a backup of it and you are responsible for downloading the data beforehand and backing it up outside Relefant if necessary.

How can I download my data?

When your membership expires, we will send you a link in time for you to download all the data you have stored with Relefant.

If you would like to download the data before your membership expires, please contact our customer service Customer service.

Will my membership be renewed automatically?

With Relefant you have the choice between a monthly membership and an annual membership.

With the monthly membership, your membership is renewed every month. With the annual membership it runs for one year, then it is automatically renewed for another year, but can be canceled monthly. Please note that the annual membership is cheaper than the monthly membership.

How can I cancel my membership?

If you would like to cancel your membership, the easiest way to do so is by e-mail. Simply send a message with your customer number (alternatively, the email address with which you are registered with us), your name and your date of birth to our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Can I keep my memories only in written form?

No, you have the same possibility to upload or record pictures, record or upload audio or video.

Will my photo, video or audio data be compressed?

In order to improve the speed of transmission and to use as little storage space as possible, photo, audio and video data are almost always compressed today - even at Relefant.

Nevertheless, we take great care to ensure that the subjectively perceived quality of your data is maintained and that your data volume is not overloaded at the same time.

Can friends or family members help with Relefant?

But of course! Friends or relatives can help you by collecting memories with you and adding them to Relefant. This brings you together and makes it fun.

In the future, we will also develop assistant accounts and other ways to share and collaborate - we'll let you know when that happens, of course!

Can I invite a person I have captured to Relefant?

Unfortunately, this is not yet possible - but we are working on it! The best thing is to create the most important people in your life with complete data now, then you can start immediately as soon as we have enabled the function!

Can I create a book out of my memories?

Yes - very soon! Probably from the end of 2023, there is a possibility that we can automatically generate a book of your memories. Let us surprise you!

How secure is my data?

The protection and the highest possible availability of your data are very important to us. Your data is encrypted so that not even we or a third party could see or read it.

Your data is stored exclusively on certified servers of the highest security class, where it is protected from any access. This is the main concern of Relefant, which we fulfill with the utmost seriousness, seriousness and attention with all the technical means at our disposal.

We will be happy to send you more detailed explanations on request. Send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the keyword "data security" and describe your concern.

Where can I find information on data protection, revocation or ordering?

All information about data protection, objection or revocation etc. can be found under this link.

Information about the order process is available here

Can I send suggestions for Relefant?

Of course! We are happy about any feedback and especially about suggestions for the further development of Relefant. The best way is to send us an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You have a question that was not answered here? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - we are looking forward to your message!